Fasten your seat belts (if you sitting in an Indian car then just fasten your regular belt).. it'll be a little bumpy ahead.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A Mystry...
racing the sea...
yes she falls...
but she rises...
mystery all around..
you'd like to solve...
but is that really all of her?
but that's so 'her'..
she appears and disappears,
yes, i know she's always there!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Received the best compliment ever!!
Natasha: u like Chetan Bhagat
Shoumik: i liked his first book the best but rest two okok
but like his way of writing
Natasha: u are 20 times better than him!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008

That day blue faded away. Disappeared forever into the dark lanes of
whiteness. Nothing could tell why or how? Did it get lost? Or did it
elope? No answer was found. Maybe because it was not looked for.
Nobody had time to miss blue. Oysters were busy creating priceless
pearls without noticing that their ocean is suddenly bereft of its
colour. The birds couldn't be bothered less. Humans went around
looking for their missing keys and wallets. Didn't have time to wonder
about a mere colour. Maybe blue did elope.
But somewhere between these important people there lived someone who
did miss blue. She had never known what colours were. She was born
colour blind. But then he came. Through his eyes she saw the spectrum
of colours. Various shades and tints. He had even showed her the
rainbow. She couldn't decide whether to curse him or to bless him. He
had showed her a new world, a colorful world. It was all that she had
always wished for and also all that she could never even hope to have.
She was near it yet far away. A thin glass wall separated her and the
colours. He was near her yet far away. The same glass wall stood
between them. That was his world. And it would go away with him.
But now, how could she reconcile with her featureless world after
being with all the colours on first name basis? No blacks or white
could satisfy her anymore. At times when the reality became too heavy,
she ran off to the memory lanes and tried fruitlessly to revive the
lifeless hope. And sometimes she would, with her colorful memories,
also paint his watercolour.
She knew that blue had gone. It had been thinking about it for long
time. That day everything was very still. As if a spoke had been
pulled out bringing the whole machinery to a standstill. She knew it
had happened.
Blue had not only left the world but also her memories.
For blue was also the colour of his eyes...
Vidhi Shah.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Forever Your’s
It was a beautiful day when Arvind was to take his scheduled bus to
The bus driver injected the keys into the engine, it sniffed with a roar and in no time the engine was bought to life. The engine pipe vomited the thick black vapour into the air and bang, the bus was now leaving behind the by passengers, the tea stall and in no time the bus stand had vanished giving way to the green plush turf. Arvind squirmed to adjust himself to comfort and closed his eyes, moist by now with nostalgia. He parted his dry lips to a soft mumble “Here I come…”
The journey had begun and the roads stood besieged, as if waiting to take him to his love, who had once been her life and still was. The time flew by ever since he had last met her, the memories were afresh and his love intact.
He slowly dragged the brown envelope from his bag and began reading it. He had lost count of the times he had been through the black print, and consequently the agony. Infact, he had read it the day he last met Charu. The final letters of the report gave him the courage to do what he had been planning so long.
Adjusting himself once again to the narrow to the comfort seat of the bus, he started reading it again. Slowly. Carefully.
“Listen”, he darted back at the tear filled eye “I think I have had enough of all this. I have bagged a job in the States that I was after for so long and there’s no holding me back now. Not even you.”
A drop trickled down her flushed cheeks. “Not even me?” she croaked with effort.
I never intend to hold you back Arvind. I just need you, your love. Please don’t do this to me. Not now when ...”
“Not now? He barked cutting her short. He turned afraid she might read what was going on in his mind. He wanted to throw his arms around her embrace her to a tight hug and promise to never leave her. A promise he intended to honour. A promise he knew he could never honour, not when he had been diagnosed of leukemia.
She stood there speechless, looking at Arvind in the eye, searching for one weak moment that he would surrender to for she knew Arvind was genuinely in love with her, until now.
He turned to leave.
The bus driver slammed the brakes dragging Arvind out of his reverie. He gave a last look at the pages he held before folding them back neatly in the envelope.
The night passed in anticipation and at 7 am, the tyres screeched to bring the bus to a halt.
He took the lane straight to 12,
He placed a soft knock and the door opened with a thud.
The old lady at the door spoke to Arvind in inquisition “Yes..?”
Just when he was about to speak, something else caught his attention. It was unmistakably the same beautiful face he had missed so much. Just the sight of her and he felt his knees weakening. The same brown eyes stared back her him and the tresses were neatly arranged though some managed to fly around her broad forehead, making her look even more stunning.
Suddenly something hit him hard in his mind, “Damn!” He said and fell on his knees and began to weep uncontrollably.
It took him an hour before he could recover the shock and looked at the lady who was now standing by his side. “Aunty, I don’t know... I...Just…” he fumbled, choosing the right words.
The lady gave him a flat look and drew a brown envelope from her cupboard without speaking a word. They both knew each other but the tie between them was now snapped by the fateful hands of time.
“Here” She said.
He sat adjacent to the wall from where he could not see Charu but she looked at him from behind the silver cast frame that was ornated with a blue white garland. The broad smile was invariably the same. He remembered this particular picture very well. It was her favourite and his too. He closed his eyes again, tighter this time to squeeze out the last drop of tears.
The flipped open the envelope and began to read. Slowly. Carefully.
Its been really difficult living without you, but what’s more difficult is to live with the fact that you love me no longer.
I have awaited your return since then, and today I give up and I give up on life.
I close my eyes with one last wish, please don’t turn around to hide your tears.
And yes, couldn’t tell you this the last day we met. “I love you”
“Me too...” He drew a deep breath and turned around, this time to face her.
चारू कौशल | Charu Kaushal