That day blue faded away. Disappeared forever into the dark lanes of
whiteness. Nothing could tell why or how? Did it get lost? Or did it
elope? No answer was found. Maybe because it was not looked for.
Nobody had time to miss blue. Oysters were busy creating priceless
pearls without noticing that their ocean is suddenly bereft of its
colour. The birds couldn't be bothered less. Humans went around
looking for their missing keys and wallets. Didn't have time to wonder
about a mere colour. Maybe blue did elope.
But somewhere between these important people there lived someone who
did miss blue. She had never known what colours were. She was born
colour blind. But then he came. Through his eyes she saw the spectrum
of colours. Various shades and tints. He had even showed her the
rainbow. She couldn't decide whether to curse him or to bless him. He
had showed her a new world, a colorful world. It was all that she had
always wished for and also all that she could never even hope to have.
She was near it yet far away. A thin glass wall separated her and the
colours. He was near her yet far away. The same glass wall stood
between them. That was his world. And it would go away with him.
But now, how could she reconcile with her featureless world after
being with all the colours on first name basis? No blacks or white
could satisfy her anymore. At times when the reality became too heavy,
she ran off to the memory lanes and tried fruitlessly to revive the
lifeless hope. And sometimes she would, with her colorful memories,
also paint his watercolour.
She knew that blue had gone. It had been thinking about it for long
time. That day everything was very still. As if a spoke had been
pulled out bringing the whole machinery to a standstill. She knew it
had happened.
Blue had not only left the world but also her memories.
For blue was also the colour of his eyes...
Vidhi Shah.